And the winner is…

by | Jul 8, 2024 | EduKLOC, Kinewell Energy

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To celebrate the launch of our new STEM engagement tool, EduKLOC we ran a competition at Global Offshore Wind and on social media.

The winner of our hamper full of North East goodies is James O’Brien from Ternan Energy.

James’ inter-array cable layout design came in at a cost of £25.8m. We ran this same problem through our commercial KLOC software to design the layout, and it would have cost just £15.5m. Therefore if you have used our KLOC software, you’d have saved yourself a whopping £10.3m or 40%!

James’ design could have been improved by using a tapered string where cables furthest from the substation use smaller cross sections to reduce cost. We ran this change through EduKLOC too, which brought the cost down to £18.7m. Relative to this, KLOC would have still saved £3.2m or 17%.

We also ran a skills event at Global Offshore Wind alongside Orsted and RS Group for over 60 school children with this same inter-array cable layout optimisation problem. The best design of the school children (who won a tree-trekking adventure kindly provided by Orsted) actually beat the industry entries to our competition, and had a cost of £18.6m, innovatively using many more strings with smaller cables and fewer turbines per string.

Using AI and advanced mathematics, KLOC was unconstrained by human bias and could evaluate many more possible designs before selecting the most cost effective one.

EduKLOC designs

If you’d like a free demo of our KLOC software get in touch.

Or if you’d like more information on using EduKLOC as part of your STEM outreach please contact us.

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